St. John Bosco Academy needs a new home! Our innovative hybrid school that blends the best of home education and the best of the traditional classroom environment works so well that we have outgrown our current location. We need to act quickly to raise funds for a permanent home! Please help! We have grown from 40 to almost 250 students in 5 years. Currently, we lease space from a Christian school whose enrollment is also growing. They no longer have the space to rent to us! We need to act quickly and we need your help to raise funds for a permanent location.

The hybrid model provides an exceptional education, and gives parents more control over learning and families more time together, all for a fraction of the cost of private school. This "private education for the masses" has been so successful that we expect to double our enrollment soon after we move into our new facility in August 2015. That means strengthening many more families, the nucleus of society. Will you help jumpstart our education revolution today by making a gift?
In line with our simple, cost effective approach, we are seeking to retrofit an existing building to minimize construction costs.
Plans are underway to build out the facility to accommodate two sessions of 250 students each. Construction is scheduled to begin October 2014, and move-in will take place August 2015.